Daniel Bouchard Lawyer Partner

Lavery, de Billy, L.L.P.

| Corporate and Commercial | Environmental | Mediation and Arbitration | Municipal |

Daniel Bouchard photo
Daniel Bouchard specializes in the areas of municipal, environmental and administrative law. He has developed particular expertise in land-use and urban planning, agricultural zoning, environmental authorizations, municipal administration and ethics in public administration. He acts as an attorney and legal advisor for numerous municipalities, corporations and several municipal and government agencies, as well as individuals involved in contentious matters with the public authorities. He is regularly sought after for his services as an instructor and for speaking engagements. He has published numerous articles in various specialized publications and law journals, particularly on environmental law matters and the management of watercourses. In addition, he has organized and presented several seminars for the continuing education service of the Quebec Bar, while also being an instructor for the École du notariat (notarial school), the Chambre des notaires (Chamber of Notaries) and the Conference of Municipal Judges. 
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Daniel Bouchard Lawyer Partner
Lavery, de Billy, L.L.P.
Suite 500 925 Grande Allée West Quebec City QC G1S 1C1
Languages: French
| Corporate and Commercial | Environmental | Mediation and Arbitration | Municipal |
Quebec Homeowner Services Director