Ronald Chisholm Barrister | Solicitor | Notary Public

Ronald R. Chisholm Law

| Business | Civil Litigation | Divorce | Estates and Trusts | Medical Malpractice | Notary Public | Personal Injury | Products Liability | Real Estate | Sexual Abuse | Workplace Safety and Insurance |

Ronald Chisholm photo
Ron Chisholm has practiced law in Truro Nova Scotia for more than 25 years.  He articled with Patterson Kitz, then worked for 3 years as an associate in a smaller firm before founding the partnership Yuill Chisholm Law Firm.  For the next 12 years he built a successful practice engaging primarily in litigation, either civil, criminal or divorce, and established a successful Real Estate practice. Ron has been a successful entrepreneur, building two start up companies, Scotia Innovators Inc. and Starboard Innovations Inc, that developed and sold innovative products into the retail market – Earning him a finalist position in the prestigious Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards in 2004.  In addition to his law practice, Ron is also co-owner of successful Real Estate company.
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Ronald Chisholm Barrister | Solicitor | Notary Public
Ronald R. Chisholm Law
Sun Professional Building, Suite 202, 640 Prince St., Truro, NS B2N 1G4
| Business | Civil Litigation | Divorce | Estates and Trusts | Medical Malpractice | Notary Public | Personal Injury | Products Liability | Real Estate | Sexual Abuse | Workplace Safety and Insurance |
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