Best Workplace Safety and Insurance Lawyers in Ottawa Ontario
Stan Fainzilberg B.A. (Hons.), J.D.
Lawyer Partner
Stan Fainzilberg is an Ontario employment lawyer and Partner with Samfiru Tumarkin LLP, practicing in the areas of Employment, Labour, and Human Rights law through the firm’s offices in Toronto and Ottawa. Stan provides strategic legal advice and representation to employees and employers on a...
116 Albert Street, Suite 300 Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3
Disability Law |
Employment |
Workplace Safety and Insurance lawyer |
Wrongful Dismissal |
Labour |
Nassrallah Law Offices
This is accomplished by having an established aim, objective, and goal. Our aim is to properly assess your interests, needs, and positions in every matter. Our objective is to obtain the best possible result in your matter by actively communicating with you at every step in the process. Our goal is
1192 Rockingham Avenue Ottawa, ON K1H 8A7
Workplace Safety and Insurance lawyer |