Best Citizenship and Immigration Lawyers in Halifax Nova Scotia

Katie Enman Owner and Founder Halifax

Katie Enman

Owner and Founder

Katie Enman is the owner and founder of Shoreline Immigration Inc. She’s a licensed consultant and member in good standing with the College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) as well as a member of the Canadian Association of Professional Immigration Consultants (CAPIC). Katie...

1459 Hollis St Unit 302A, Halifax, NS B3J 1V1

Citizenship and Immigration lawyer |


Our Family Law Team understands the emotional turmoil and financial reality many people face in matters of family law. We will assist and guide you through the issues and the process for your unique family law situation. Family law matters most often arise upon the breakdown of a family or when...

1100-1645 Granville Street Halifax, NS B3J 1X3

Administrative | Bankruptcy and Insolvency | Citizenship and Immigration lawyer | Civil Litigation | Corporate and Commercial | Criminal | Estates and Trusts | Family | Insurance | more ...
Elizabeth Wozniak  Halifax

Elizabeth Wozniak

Elizabeth is from Alberta. She has a LL.B from Dalhousie (2001) and a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta (1994). She is the founder of North Star Immigration Law Inc. She has taught immigration and refugee law at Schulich School of Law (Dalhousie University) and often presents...

1684 Barrington Street – 5th Floor P.O. Box 272 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2N7

Citizenship and Immigration lawyer |
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