Elizabeth Wozniak

North Star Immigration Law

| Citizenship and Immigration |

Elizabeth Wozniak photo
Elizabeth is from Alberta. She has a LL.B from Dalhousie (2001) and a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta (1994). She is the founder of North Star Immigration Law Inc. She has taught immigration and refugee law at Schulich School of Law (Dalhousie University) and often presents at conferences on the immigration and refugee policy and process. Elizabeth is a member of the NSBS and Canadian Bar Association (Immigration Section), and is an authorized foreign worker recruiter licensed by the Nova Scotia Department of Labour. Elizabeth lived and worked in Asia (China and South...
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Elizabeth Wozniak
North Star Immigration Law
1684 Barrington Street – 5th Floor P.O. Box 272 Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 2N7

| Citizenship and Immigration |

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