Stephen C. Roberts
Lawyer Partner
McTague Law Firm LLP
| Administrative | Employment | Workplace Safety and Insurance | Health | Labour | Mediation and Arbitration |

Stephen Roberts joined the McTague Law Firm as a Partner in January of 2010. Mr. Roberts practices in the Employment and Labour Law Department and represents employers only in the area of Workplace Safety and Insurance, Human Rights, Disability Management, Occupational Health and Safety, other employment and labour law matters. He represents employers regularly at WSIB and WSIAT Appeal Hearings, and before other administration tribunals. In addition, Mr. Roberts assists employers with WSIB audits, rate group classification issues and WSIB registrations along with transfer of costs and SIEF...
Stephen C. Roberts Lawyer Partner
McTague Law Firm LLP
455 Pelissier Street Windsor ON N9A 6Z9
McTague Law Firm LLP
455 Pelissier Street Windsor ON N9A 6Z9
| Administrative | Employment | Workplace Safety and Insurance | Health | Labour | Mediation and Arbitration |