Richard Aitken

Lawyer Founder

Aitken Roberston

| Citizenship and Immigration | Criminal | Drug Offences | DUI DWI | Sexual Abuse | Traffic Offense |

Richard Aitken photo
With over 35 years practicing criminal law under my belt, I not only continue to handle my cases but I assist the rest of my team with their cases daily. I have focused much of my practice on drinking and driving offences and I am so passionate about this field of law that I  own my own Intoxilyzer 8000TM, the instrument used by Ontario police for testing blood alcohol levels. Originally, my criminal practice mainly handled sex assault and DUI cases. As the years went by, my practice increasingly focused on DUI defence and continues to do so today. I came to learn that most of the people...
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Richard Aitken Lawyer Founder
Aitken Roberston
263 Charlotte Street Peterborough, ON K9J 2V3

| Citizenship and Immigration | Criminal | Drug Offences | DUI DWI | Sexual Abuse | Traffic Offense |

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