Brian Hebert


McKiggan Hebert Lawyers

| Environmental | Medical Malpractice | Personal Injury |

Brian Hebert photo
With an economics and business law background, Brian helps our personal injury clients prove their economic losses which is good news for injured business owners and professionals. But Brian is not just a numbers guy by any means. We’ve seen him single-handedly take on insurance companies in wrongful death trials – and win. He loves jury trials – something about “common sense” and “ordinary people always getting it right.” He hasn’t lost a jury trial yet, but he has lost several pounds during each trial. It’s a lot of work. Luckily he runs and cycles to work to keep up his stamina for...
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Brian Hebert Partner
McKiggan Hebert Lawyers
903-5670 Spring Garden Road Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1H6

| Environmental | Medical Malpractice | Personal Injury |

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