Tyna A. Vayalilkollattu

Barrister & Solicitor


| Citizenship and Immigration |

Tyna A. Vayalilkollattu photo
Tyna practices in all areas of Canadian Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Law with a focus on Appeals, Judicial Reviews, and Removals & Enforcement. She has appeared before the Immigration and Refugee Board and the Federal Court of Canada for Immigration and Citizenship matters. Tyna is responsible for the oversight and management of the Firm and aims to provide clients essential legal services with a cost-effective and client-focused approach. In addition to her practice, Tyna provides free legal education to community and settlement organizations throughout Ontario and provides...
Tyna A. Vayalilkollattu Barrister & Solicitor
398 McDonnel St Unit 4 Peterborough, Ontario K9H 2X4

| Citizenship and Immigration |

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