Tom Doust

Barrister and Solicitor

Tom Doust

| Criminal | Drug Offences | DUI DWI | Traffic Offense |

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Do you need help keeping your driving record clean? Are you facing criminal charges related to drug offences? Have you been charged with a violent crime? A knowledgeable and experienced criminal lawyer ensures you receive the best possible outcome. Tom Doust recognizes that a criminal charge or investigation is one of the most traumatic and serious situations a person can experience. Whether a minor violation or a serious offence, criminal charges carry the potential for life-changing consequences. By approaching every case with open communication, respect and determination, Tom Doust uses...
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Tom Doust Barrister and Solicitor
Tom Doust
812-938 Howe St. Vancouver, BC V6Z 1N9

| Criminal | Drug Offences | DUI DWI | Traffic Offense |

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