Ron S. Maurice
Maurice Law
| Aboriginal | Administrative | Civil Litigation |
Ron S. Maurice, a Cree-Métis lawyer, is the Managing Partner and founder of Maurice Law Barristers & Solicitors. Maurice Law was founded in 2002, and is the first – and – only – Indigenous-owned national law firm in Canada, with 19 lawyers located across the country.
Ron has practiced law since 1991 and has extensive experience in the negotiation and litigation of specific claims, administrative law, trusts, financing, and alternative dispute resolution. Ron represents many First Nations across Canada on land claims and aboriginal and treaty rights issues including outstanding treaty land entitlements, unlawful surrenders of Indian reserve land and mineral rights, mismanagement of Indian monies, expropriations, infringements on aboriginal and treaty rights and associated claims for damages and restitution for the unlawful taking of reserve lands and other resources.
Ron S. Maurice partner
Maurice Law
Suite 300, 602 12th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2R 1J3
Maurice Law
Suite 300, 602 12th Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2R 1J3
| Aboriginal | Administrative | Civil Litigation |