Joseph Horrigan B.A. J.D.


Joseph Horrigan Law

| Criminal | Drug Offences | Sexual Abuse | Estates and Trusts | Notary Public | Small Claims |

The majority of my practice is devoted to defending individuals who have been charged either under the Criminal Code of Canada or Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. As well, I assist young persons who are charged under the Youth Criminal Justice Act and individuals who have come into contact with other quasi-criminal statutes such as the Highway Traffic Act. If you require assistance with a bail hearing or have been charged with any of the following offences; property offences, sexual offences, domestic assault, drug possession, firearms offences, or breaches of court orders, contact my...
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Joseph Horrigan B.A. J.D. Lawyer
Joseph Horrigan Law
311 George St. North. LL5 Unit 6 Peterborough, Ontario

| Criminal | Drug Offences | Sexual Abuse | Estates and Trusts | Notary Public | Small Claims |

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