Best Corporate and Commercial Lawyers in Victoria British Columbia
Bruce Hallsor, K.C.
Bruce Hallsor, K.C. has a commercial practice that includes corporate and commercial law, real estate, secured transactions, estates, tax, and trusts. Mr. Hallsor also does some litigation in these areas, particularly at the appellate level. Mr. Hallsor has served on the board of directors of...
1070 Douglas St #800, Victoria, BC V8W 2C4
James S. Hutchison
Barrister and Solicitor
James is a 5th generation Victorian and has been practicing law since 1990. He attended law school at the University of British Columbia, following undergraduate and graduate work in History. James started his legal career with the former Crease & Company, where he was a partner during his...
505 Fisgard St, Victoria BC V8W 1R3
Mullin DeMeo Barristers and Solicitors
Founded in 1992 by principals John Mullin and Peter DeMeo, Mullin DeMeo maintains one of the busiest real estate law practices in British Columbia and certainly on Vancouver Island. Every year Mullin DeMeo processes more real estate transactions than any other firm in the Victoria area. Our firm...
1626 Garnet Road Victoria, BC V8P 3C8
Wilson Marshall Law Corporation
Wilson Marshall advises and represents clients in the areas of: corporate and business law, commercial real estate, residential real estate, family law, civil litigation, wills, trusts and estates. We seek to build long-term relationships with our clients in order to better anticipate and...
Suite 200 - 911 Yates Street Victoria, BC V8V 4X3
Scott Marshall BA LLB
Scott Marshall was a charter student at Simon Fraser University and received a Bachelor of Laws Degree from UBC in 1972. He has practiced law since 1973, and 35 of his 39 years of experience
#200-911 Yates Street Victoria BC Canada V8V 4X3