Best Traffic Offense Lawyers in Orangeville Ontario

Richard Allman Criminal Defence Lawyer Orangeville

Richard Allman

Criminal Defence Lawyer

As a criminal lawyer in Brampton and Orangeville, Richard Allman has the advocacy skills to argue your case before a judge. With a thorough understanding of municipal, provincial and federal laws, court procedures, evidentiary laws, and local judges, he will effectively defend your case. The...

32 First Avenue, Second Floor Orangeville, L9W 1H8

Assault | Criminal | Drug Offences | DUI DWI | Sexual Abuse | Traffic Offense lawyer |
Jessica K. Foote B.B.A. (Hons), J.D. logo

Jessica K. Foote B.B.A. (Hons), J.D.

Barrister and Solicitor, Founder

Ms. Foote is also an Honours Graduate with a Baccalaureate in Business Administration and Management from the University of Guelph where she received numerous awards including from the Canadian Institute of Management and the Women’s Opportunity Award from Soroptomist International. Her...

12 First Avenue, Orangeville, ON L9W 1H8

Assault | Criminal | Drug Offences | DUI DWI | Robbery | Sexual Abuse | Traffic Offense lawyer | Estates and Trusts | Adoption | more ...