Beryl McNeill

| Family |

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Beryl McNeill strongly believes that mutual respect and understanding go a long way toward resolving family law matters. As a Registered Collaborative Law practitioner in Calgary, she has dedicated her firm to amicable, cooperative negotiation as a means for settling divorces. Throughout her law career Beryl has seen the costs of adversarial negotiations, both financial and emotional. In emphasizing the COLLABORATIVE APPROACH, Beryl offers her clients a more efficient model that preserves personal and monetary assets alike. More and more individuals are attracted to resolving their family law matters in a civil, respectful way. They come to Beryl from many walks of life—as professionals in the oil and gas industry and their spouses, business owners, and working spouses with children. Clients say that even after a single consultation with Beryl they feel less stressed and more clear about the way forward.
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Beryl McNeill
#200, 638-11 Avenue S.W., Calgary, AB T2R 0E2

| Family |

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