Alfred Kwinter
Founding Partner
Singer Kwinter Personal Injury Lawyers
| Personal Injury |
Alf Kwinter is recognized as one of Canada's premier legal experts in the practice of personal injury and insurance law and is certified by the Law Society of Upper Canada as a specialist in civil litigation. Alf earned his law degree from the University of Toronto in 1970. In 1974 Alf and his classmate Morris Singer founded the firm of Singer Kwinter, which is consistently named by Canadian Lawyer magazine as a top personal injury firm in Canada. Alf has appeared as counsel at all court levels including The Supreme Court of Canada, where he appeared on behalf of the successful plaintiff in the landmark decision of Oldfield v. Transamerica Insurance Company. Alf has achieved some of Canada’s largest jury awards for punitive damages against an insurer. Singer Kwinter is the only law firm in Canada to obtain four punitive damage awards against insurers. He acted for the plaintiff in the milestone case of Kamin v. Kawartha Dairy, which reduced the onus on plaintiffs in establishing liability in slip and fall claims. He obtained the highest award in Canada for chronic pain in Degennaro v. Oakville Trafalgar Hospital.
Alfred Kwinter Founding Partner
Singer Kwinter Personal Injury Lawyers
1033 Bay Street, Suite 214 Toronto, ON M5S 3A5
Singer Kwinter Personal Injury Lawyers
1033 Bay Street, Suite 214 Toronto, ON M5S 3A5
| Personal Injury |