Weston Powell

Lawyer Founder

Powell Litigation

| Business | Civil Litigation | Debt Recovery | Estates and Trusts | Small Claims |

Weston Powell photo
Weston is a civil litigator and the founding lawyer of Powell Litigation. His firm helps individuals and small to medium-sized businesses in Southern Ontario who are involved in lawsuits as plaintiffs or defendants. For people unfamiliar with the court system, there are essentially two kinds of lawyers: those who sit at desks drafting documents (wills, contracts, etc.) and those who represent you in court when things go wrong. You could think of it as the difference between a carpenter and a firefighter. They both work with wood, but their jobs are very different. For Weston, the choice...
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Weston Powell Lawyer Founder
Powell Litigation
80 Richmond St W Suite 1300, Toronto, ON M5H 2A4

| Business | Civil Litigation | Debt Recovery | Estates and Trusts | Small Claims |

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