Sylvain Vauclair
| Bankruptcy and Insolvency |

Sylvain Vauclair has been practicing in the field of insolvency law for over thirty years and has throughout those years represented the full spectrum of stakeholders, from debtors and creditors' committees to bondholders, CCAA monitors, trustees in bankruptcy and lenders. His work is now particularly focused on restructuring matters. He is a member of the Insolvency Institute of Canada and the American Bankruptcy Institute as well as its subcommittee on international insolvencies and is a regular lecturer on insolvency issues.
Sylvain Vauclair
2000 McGill College Suite 1700 Montreal, QC H3A 3H3
2000 McGill College Suite 1700 Montreal, QC H3A 3H3
| Bankruptcy and Insolvency |