Stacey Reginald Ball

wrongful dismissal lawyer

Ball Professional Corporation

| Employment | Wrongful Dismissal |

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Stacey Reginald Ball, Barrister & Solicitor has spent his entire career in the practice of employment and labour law, as well as civil litigation. Considered to be one of Canada’s leading experts in the field of employment & labour law, Stacey is also author of the definitive and authoritive text – Canadian Employment Law. As a lawyer of the firm of Ball Professional Corporation he has acted as counsel in numerous leading Canadian employment law decisions at all levels of our judicial system, including the Supreme Court of Canada, where he has had Federal, Ontario and Manitoba Court of Appeals reversed. Have you been recently terminated from your job? You are in need of an employment lawyer in Toronto. This happens to almost everyone at some point in their lives, but that does not make it any less stressful or frustrating. It is important to contact a legal professional who can tell you whether the termination was legal or if it a case of wrongful dismissal. Wrongful dismissal can take many different forms.
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Stacey Reginald Ball wrongful dismissal lawyer
Ball Professional Corporation
82 Scollard Street Toronto, ON M5C 2W7

| Employment | Wrongful Dismissal |

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