Nima Amiri, BA, JD.


Amiri Family Law

| Divorce | Family |

Nima Amiri is an experienced and accomplished litigator and courtroom advocate who represents individuals in Family and Divorce law matters in Oakville, Mississauga, Burlington, Milton, and throughout the Greater Toronto Area. Nima began his legal career as an articling student and associate lawyer at a prominent law firm in Toronto. As a defence lawyer, Nima received an intensive, practical education in advocacy and negotiation while representing scared, anxious, and often-vulnerable clients in Toronto’s many busy courthouses on a daily basis. Nima received his Juris Doctor from the...
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Nima Amiri, BA, JD. Lawyer
Amiri Family Law
300-1100 Burloak Drive Burlington, ON L7L 6B2

| Divorce | Family |

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