Meldon Ellis BA, JD, Attorney, Barrister & Solicitor and Mediator

Ellis Business Lawyers

| Civil Litigation | Corporate and Commercial | Mediation and Arbitration |

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MELDON ELLIS — BA, JD, Attorney, Barrister & Solicitor and Mediator holds a Bachelor of Arts from Simon Fraser University (1989) a Bachelor of Laws from the University of British Columbia, Canada (1993), and is a certified mediator. He has more than 20 years of experience as litigation and corporate, commercial business lawyer in British Columbia and practical and academic experience in business dispute resolution techniques. In addition to his legal experience, Meldon has previously started, owned and operated several small businesses and has led, as CEO and Chairman of the Board, an international public company with offices in three countries, where he was responsible for more than 100 employees and a multi-million dollar annual budget. Meldon’s business experience and unique legal skill-set enable him to provide comprehensive service with true value: the insight to see legal situations from a business perspective. This means he can quickly focus in on the issues critical to your business success and can help you develop practical, cost-effective strategies to achieve your goals and address any challenges you may face. Meldon has worked in a variety of legal settings as both a litigator and a commercial solicitor. His skill in mediation has proven a tremendous benefit in dispute resolutions.
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Meldon Ellis BA, JD, Attorney, Barrister & Solicitor and Mediator
Ellis Business Lawyers
#400-1681 Chestnut Street Vancouver, BC V6J 4M6
| Civil Litigation | Corporate and Commercial | Mediation and Arbitration |
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