Kate Roome

Notary Public

| Estates and Trusts | Notary Public | Residential Real Estate |

Having a Will is the basis for a good estate plan. Save time, money and grief by planning ahead. If you haven’t got a Will or your Will is old, come in and see me; you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to get one of life’s most important documents done. Don’t know who to appoint as an Executor? Ask me about professional executor services. Extensive experience in the real estate world means that I can ensure your Refinance, Purchase or Sale goes smoothly and every detail is attended to. I can also help you with Ownership changes, Family Transfers and Easements. Notarizations are offered...
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Kate Roome Notary Public
Suite 200 - 394 Duncan Street Duncan BC V9L 3W4

| Estates and Trusts | Notary Public | Residential Real Estate |

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