Karen E. Jokinen


Karen Jokinen Criminal Law

| Criminal | DUI DWI |

Ms. Jokinen is certified by the law society as a specialist in Criminal Law. She has been practicing Criminal Law for over 30 years and defends all charges under the Criminal Code all over the province. She has defended cases ranging from murder, arson, conspiracies, aggravated sexual assault to domestic assaults, sexual assaults, assault causing bodily harm, robberies, drinking and driving, impaired driving causing bodily harm or death, dangerous driving, frauds, thefts, as well as speeding, stunt driving, and a range of other provincial offences. Ms. Jokinen started her criminal defence practice in London, Ontario where she was tutored by Fletcher Dawson, who is now on the Superior Court Bench in Brampton. She moved to Barrie in 1997 where she continues serving her clients with passion and integrity. She brought with her from London Ontario her reputation as being a fighter and an experienced criminal litigator.
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Karen E. Jokinen LL.B
Karen Jokinen Criminal Law
35 Clapperton Street Barrie, ON L4M 3E6

| Criminal | DUI DWI |

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