Isaac Quinn

Lawyer Founder

Quinn Law

| Appellate | Civil Litigation | Criminal | Family |

Isaac Quinn photo
Isaac’s practice is focused primarily on Criminal Defense, Family Law, and Civil Litigation. Isaac is a graduate of Dalhousie University and UNB Law, where he represented the school in the Gale Cup Moot, a national Criminal and Constitutional mooting competition. Quinn received academic distinctions at both universities, being named to the dean’s list in both undergrad and law school. Mr. Quinn is fully bilingual, able to service clients in both French and English. When he’s not at his desk or in court, Quinn is an avid traveler, a committed Bayern Munich supporter, and a reluctant Katy...
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Isaac Quinn Lawyer Founder
Quinn Law
129 Water St, Charlottetown, PE C1A 1A8

| Appellate | Civil Litigation | Criminal | Family |

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