Ian Gavaghan
Barrister and Solicitor
Law Offices of Ian Gavaghan
| Corporate and Commercial | Estates and Trusts | Intellectual Property | Residential Real Estate |

Ian is an innovative, yet practical, business lawyer with a wide range of legal experience. Ian has demonstrated his ability to create efficient, effective solutions to legal problems which meet his client’s objectives, on time and within budget. A business lawyer with a focus on business! Ian has practiced law since 1988, first with Borden & Elliot in downtown Toronto, and then as Vice President with Bell ExpressVu LP. Ian has participated in literally hundreds of business transactions, big and small, and thousands of real estate transactions, ranging from trailer homes to Terminal 3...
Ian Gavaghan Barrister and Solicitor
Law Offices of Ian Gavaghan
294 Elliott Ave, Kingston, ON K7K 7M5
Law Offices of Ian Gavaghan
294 Elliott Ave, Kingston, ON K7K 7M5
| Corporate and Commercial | Estates and Trusts | Intellectual Property | Residential Real Estate |