Giuseppe (Joe) Aiello, LL.B.

Lawyer Co-Founder

Law Firm of Phillips Aiello

| Administrative | Civil Litigation | Construction | Employment Law | Insurance | Labour | Personal Injury | Taxation |

Giuseppe (Joe) Aiello, LL.B. photo
Founding Partner in the Law Firm of Phillips Aiello, 1990 – present. Practice areas: General Civil Litigation and Administrative Law, Insurance and Construction claims, Employment issues acting for both employers and employees, Personal Injury, Tax Litigation, including PST collections, GST collections, taxpayer’s relief applications and aboriginal exemption claims. In life, all we control is the commitment and level of effort we can devote to any singular event. We believe in approaching all our dealings with clients with hard work and commitment. Our goal is to provide the best service...
Giuseppe (Joe) Aiello, LL.B. logo
Giuseppe (Joe) Aiello, LL.B. Lawyer Co-Founder
Law Firm of Phillips Aiello
5 Donald St #500, Winnipeg, MB R3L 2T4

| Administrative | Civil Litigation | Construction | Employment Law | Insurance | Labour | Personal Injury | Taxation |

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