Emmanuelle Poupart

Managing Partner

McCarthy Tétrault LLP

| Civil Litigation | Class Actions | Corporate and Commercial | Insurance | Products Liability | Professional Liability |

Emmanuelle Poupart photo
Emmanuelle Poupart is a partner in our Litigation Group in Montreal, and is a member of the firm's Board of Partners. She is responsible for the Medical Law sector where numerous lawyers are involved in our Montréal and Québec City offices. Her practice focuses on medical liability, insurance law, class actions and commercial litigation. She has been a litigant in both trial and appeal courts as well as before various administrative tribunals and quasi-judicial bodies. In addition to her work as a litigant, she has counseled many corporation and executives as to the scope of coverage...
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Emmanuelle Poupart Managing Partner
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Suite 2500 1000 De La Gauchetière Street West Montréal QC H3B 0A2

| Civil Litigation | Class Actions | Corporate and Commercial | Insurance | Products Liability | Professional Liability |

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