David Freedman
Wagner Sidlofsky LLP
| Estates and Trusts |

I practice in the areas in which my teaching and scholarship is concentrated – trusts, estates, and substitute decision-making. I feel that my academic and practice work strengthens my expertise and keeps me current in a way that I could not achieve by restricting my work to either one of them alone. In my teaching, I try to concentrate on foundational principles and skills so that students understand the content of the law and the manner in which it is applied in real situations. In practice, I am very conscious of the time and cost that is involved in bringing a dispute to a conclusion....
David Freedman LLB, MA, PhD, TEP
Wagner Sidlofsky LLP
181 University Avenue Suite 1800 Toronto, ON M5H 3M7
Wagner Sidlofsky LLP
181 University Avenue Suite 1800 Toronto, ON M5H 3M7
| Estates and Trusts |