David Fraser

Lawyer Partner

McInnes Cooper

| Business | Corporate and Commercial | Intellectual Property | Privacy Data Protection | Sports Entertainment |

David Fraser photo
David Fraser is well-known as one of Canada’s leading internet, technology and privacy lawyers. He regularly advises a range of clients – from startups to Fortune 100 companies – on all aspects of technology and privacy laws. David advises private and public sector clients to implement compliance programs for Canadian privacy legislation, including the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada), the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Nova Scotia) and the Privacy Act (Canada). He regularly provides opinions on privacy laws for both Canadian and...
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David Fraser Lawyer Partner
McInnes Cooper
Brunswick Square, 1 Germain St Suite 1700, Saint John, NB E2L 2H7

| Business | Corporate and Commercial | Intellectual Property | Privacy Data Protection | Sports Entertainment |

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