David Acri B.A. L.L.B.


| Estates and Trusts | Divorce | Family | Mediation and Arbitration | Residential Real Estate |

David Acri B.A. L.L.B. photo
I am certified as a family law mediator and as such have helped numerous people resolve their problems quickly and in a mutually beneficial way. I serve as a Deputy Judge of the Small Claims Court on a regular basis, where I adjudicate on all different types of legal matters. I am actively involved in a number of community services. I am a Past President of the Peel Law Association, as well as the past Regional Representative of the County and District Law President’s Association. I am involved with the Ontario Bar Association and the Ontario Deputy Judges Association. I am on the Board of...
David Acri B.A. L.L.B. Lawyer
57 Mill Street North Suite 209 Brampton, ON L6X 1S9

| Estates and Trusts | Divorce | Family | Mediation and Arbitration | Residential Real Estate |

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