Best Administrative Lawyers in Kelowna British Columbia
British Columbia
Estates and Trusts (7)
Family Law 6
Divorce (3)
Family (3)
Insurance (2)
Labour (2)
Mediation and Arbitration (4)
Municipal (1)
Personal Injury Law 5
Personal Injury (5)
Real Estate Law 6
Residential Real Estate (5)
Taxation (1)
NanaimoSurreyVancouverVictoriaWhite Rock
Lee Turner
Lawyer Partner
Lee Turner is one of the managing partners at Doak Shirreff Lawyers LLP in Kelowna. He joined the firm in 1993 and was called to the British Columbia bar in May 1994. He has practised as a trial lawyer since joining the firm and has extensive experience assisting those who have suffered serious...
537 Leon Ave #200, Kelowna, BC V1Y 2A9
Administrative lawyer |
Civil Litigation |
Corporate and Commercial |
Employment |
Estates and Trusts |
Personal Injury |
British Columbia
Estates and Trusts (7)
Family Law 6
Divorce (3)
Family (3)
Insurance (2)
Labour (2)
Mediation and Arbitration (4)
Municipal (1)
Personal Injury Law 5
Personal Injury (5)
Real Estate Law 6
Residential Real Estate (5)
Taxation (1)
NanaimoSurreyVancouverVictoriaWhite Rock