Cheryl Suann Williams LL.B., LL.M. (ADR)

Williams Family Lawyers

| Divorce | Family |

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Cheryl has gained a reputation as a skilled, tough, but resolution-based family lawyer whether she is negotiating marriage and cohabitation agreements or resolving divorce and separation cases through collaborative law, mediation, arbitration or when necessary, lengthy court trials. To her clients, she is known as calming, and compassionate, yet straightforward and efficient. Cheryl takes great pride in having closely worked with and mirroring the principles and work ethics of three family law lawyers who were subsequently appointed as judges of the Superior Court of Justice, Family Court Branch, including her former business partner, The Honourable Laura E. Fryer. With these skills, she successfully protects clients’ rights. During her over 19 years of working exclusively in family law, Cheryl has developed extensive experience dealing with complex family law disputes involving child custody and access, child and spousal support, financial, and division of property issues. She uses her advanced education and experience in Alternative Dispute Resolution to resolve high-conflict cases. Cheryl’s particular areas of strength are her experience in the family law needs of high-net-worth clients (where her legal team is often combined with experts to conduct forensic asset tracing and income analysis to arrive at accurate financial calculations) and in cases involving contentious custody and access issues (where her team often involves qualified professionals to determine the best interest of the child, a key principle of family law in Canada.)
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Cheryl Suann Williams LL.B., LL.M. (ADR)
Williams Family Lawyers
178 Main Street, Suite #200 Unionville, ON L3R 2G9
| Divorce | Family |
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