Barbara Frederikse

Lawyer Founder

Frederikse Law

| Business | Estates and Trusts | Residential Real Estate |

Barbara Frederikse photo
Barbara Frederikse is the founder of Frederikse Law in Burlington, Ontario. With over 25 years of legal experience, including 14 spent on Bay Street in Toronto, Barbara brings a wealth of knowledge to the practice of law. She applies a common-sense approach to the law, putting her clients’ interests first, giving practical and cost-effective solutions in real estate, business law, wills and estates and commercial leasing. Barbara graduated from Brock University prior to attending law school at McGill University in Montreal, where she obtained degrees in both common law and civil law....
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Barbara Frederikse Lawyer Founder
Frederikse Law
4391 Harvester Road, Unit 5A Burlington, ON L7L 4X1

| Business | Estates and Trusts | Residential Real Estate |

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