Ahmed Malik

Lawyer Partner

MLT Aikins

| Banks and Financial | Business | Corporate and Commercial | Mergers and Acquisitions | Commercial Real Estate |

Ahmed Malik photo
Ahmed Malik provides practical and strategic advice to business clients, with particular focus on commercial real estate, corporate commercial, banking and financing, and franchise law. He is the lead of the Regina real estate team. Ahmed maintains a real estate, financing and corporate/commercial practice, advising clients on matters relating to purchase and sale transactions, commercial leasing, commercial and residential development, and franchising matters. Ahmed regularly acts for a broad range of clients including owner-managed companies, regulated professionals, franchises,...
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Ahmed Malik Lawyer Partner
MLT Aikins
1500 Hill Centre I, 1874 Scarth St, Regina, SK S4P 4E9
Languages: English Punjabi Urdu

| Banks and Financial | Business | Corporate and Commercial | Mergers and Acquisitions | Commercial Real Estate |

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