Adam Letourneau KC

Founder and Managing Partner

Letourneau LLP

| Business | Divorce | Employment | Estates and Trusts | Family | Mediation and Arbitration | Real Estate |

Adam Letourneau KC photo
Adam believes in a more compassionate, more balanced manner of practicing law. His passion is helping people of all backgrounds through their difficult legal situations, while maintaining a sense of dignity. Adam's practice is primarily focused on negotiating, litigating, mediation of and arbitration of divorce and family law. He has negotiated and advocated for numerous divorce, parenting, support and property matters. Adam also regularly represents children in separation matters. Adam also regularly mediates or arbitrates high conflict disputes in a variety of areas, including contract law, employment law and family law. Adam also works in and is well versed in entrepreneur & business law, real estate law, employment law, wills and estate planning, and estate administration (eg. probate). As an arbitrator and adjudicator, Adam has significant decision-making and judgment-writing experience as a member of various arbitration tribunals, as a sole arbitrator and as a member of regulatory tribunals with the Law Society of Alberta as an elected Bencher (governor). Adam is a Chartered Arbitrator (C.Arb) and Chartered Mediator (C.Med.) through the ADR Institute of Canada. Adam has mediated and arbitrated many disputes, including civil, employment, labour, employment and family disputes.
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Adam Letourneau KC Founder and Managing Partner
Letourneau LLP
416 6 Ave S #110, Lethbridge, AB T1J 0Y7

| Business | Divorce | Employment | Estates and Trusts | Family | Mediation and Arbitration | Real Estate |

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